First steps into Quantum Computing

%matplotlib inline
import qiskit as qsk
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

1) Introduction

Qiskit is an open-source library for quantum computing developed by IBM, you can register for free on IBMQ and get access to real quantum computers.

In this post I will introduce some important functions to use IBM qiskit, this will be done by an example of constructing an entangled state, which is a important state in quantum mechanics.

2) Building a entangled stated from scratch

We want to build a Bell State from a state $\left| 00 \right>$ and the final state is:

$$ \left| \psi \right> = \frac{\left| 00 \right> - \left| 11 \right>}{\sqrt 2} $$

There are many gates, for reference see the qiskit book. The gates that we will use are:

  • Pauli X: This is an one qubit gate that is represented on the computational basis by:

$$ X = \frac{1}{\sqrt2} \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\
1 & 0 \\
\end{pmatrix} $$

  • Hadamard: This is an one qubit gate that is represented on the computational basis by:

$$ H = \frac{1}{\sqrt2} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\
1 & -1 \\
\end{pmatrix} $$

  • $C_x$(Controlled X): This is a two qubit gate that changes the second qubit if the first qubit is on the state $\left| 1 \right>$. On the computational basis is represented by:

$$ C_x = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\
\end{pmatrix} $$

2.1) Initializing quantum circuits

In qiskit there are many ways to initialize a quantum circuit, the easiest one is using the QuantumCircuit module on qiskit, this takes two arguments qregisters that can be a QuantumRegister or an int that designates how many quantum wires you want on your circuit, the other argument is cregisters that can be a ClassicalRegister or an int that designates how many classical wires you want on your circuit. An optional argument is the Name that will put a name on your circuit.

I usually recommend starting using QuantumRegister and ClassicalRegister to build circuits, because this will modularize your code moving forward.

In order to see what you are doing, you can use the method draw inside QuantumCircuit, to make an image you use the ‘mpl’ argument inside the method.

qreg = qsk.QuantumRegister(2, name='q')
circ = qsk.QuantumCircuit(qreg)


2.2) Adding Gates

The main gates are methods inside you QuantumCircuit, thus if you want to add them you should only use .nameofthegate , in the introduction section there is a link to all gates on qiskit.

Since this is the first example, I shall use linear algebra to show what is happening when you use those gates to construct our entangled state.

All circuits on qiskit starts on the state $\left| 0 \right> = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$ our first opperation is to transform the $\left| 0 \right>$ state into $\left| 1 \right>$ state, this is done by the Pauli X gate:

$$ X \left| 0 \right> = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} = \left| 1 \right> $$

Thus we apply the X gate on the first register, this is done by assigning the gate to the position 0 of the QuantumRegister.

circ.x(qreg[0]); #Add x on 0


Now we apply the Haddamard gate on the first register, since the register is already on $\left| 1 \right>$ we have:

$$ H \left| 1 \right> = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & -1 \end{pmatrix} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ -1 \end{pmatrix} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \bigg( \left| 0 \right> - \left| 1 \right> \bigg) $$

circ.h(qreg[0]); #Add x on 0


In order to have an entangled state we shall use a gate that works on two qubits, this is done by the CNOT gate (also known as C-X), this will entangle the first and second qubit. It is important to note that now we have $$2^2 = 4$$ states (because we are working with two qubits). The CNOT works in this manner:

$$ C_x \left| a \right>\left| b \right> = \left| a \right>\left| a \oplus b \right> $$

where $\oplus$ means bitwise sum.

$$ C_x \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \bigg( \left| 0 \right> - \left| 1 \right> \bigg)\left| 0 \right> = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \bigg( \left| 0 \right>\left| 0 \oplus 0 \right> - \left| 1 \right>\left| 1 \oplus 0 \right> \bigg) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \bigg( \left| 00 \right> - \left| 11 \right> \bigg) $$

That is exactly what we wanted.[0], qreg[1]); #Add CNOT on 0 and 1


2.3) Running a simulation of our circuit locally

There are several ways to run your circuits, you can run them locally or remotely on a real Quantum Computer. Now I will explain how to run it locall.

For a local simulation, we will use qiskit.Aer which is a high performance simulator that uses C++ simulator backends. We choose backend to run our circuit depending on what we need, here are some examples of backends:

  • qasm_simulator: Runs the circuit just as the actual circuit on a quantum computer is run, therefore you need to measure the qubits at the end.

  • statevector_simulator: Outputs the state on an ideal quantum circuit.

  • unitary_simulator: Outputs the unitary operator of the given circuit.

  • pulse_simulator: Simulates a pulse schedule for the circuit.

2.3.1) statevector_simulator

In this example we chose to run on the statevector_simulator in order to see if our circuit outputs exactly our desired state. Firstly, we chose the backend and then submit the job for the chosen backend using qiskit.execute. Lastly, we retrieve the job by calling job.result()

backend = qsk.Aer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')
job = qsk.execute(circ, backend)
result = job.result()

Let’s print our result:

outputstate = result.get_statevector(circ, decimals=3)
[ 0.707-0.j  0.   +0.j  0.   +0.j -0.707+0.j]

We can also visualize our result by plotting the density matrix of our state, this is done by taking the outer product of our state.

from qiskit.visualization import plot_state_city


2.3.2) qasm_simullator

The previous simulation is a theoretical realization of our circuit, but when you are working with a real quantum computer you have to measure your qubits in order to get your results. This will cause the qubits to colapse to bits and we can acces them.

So we need to add the measurments on our circuits, this is done by adding a ClassicalRegister to our circuit.

creg = qsk.ClassicalRegister(2, name='c')


We map the measurment from our quantum qubits to our classical bits.



Now we can simulate a real quantum computer using qasm_simulator, we need to define how many times our circuit will run, this is called “shots”, here we chose 1024 times.

backend_sim = qsk.Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
job_sim = qsk.execute(circ, backend_sim, shots=1024)
result_sim = job_sim.result()

To acces the count of our state, we use the .get_counts(circ) that will give us a dictionary with the count of each state.

The best way to visualize this result is using a histogram that will output the probability associated with each state

counts = result_sim.get_counts(circ)
{'00': 532, '11': 492}
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram


Therefore, we have approximately 50% shots on each state. This is exactly what we expected for the bell state.

Note that by this method we cannot know the phase associated with each state, therefore we don’t know if our state is any specific bell state, we only know that there are only ‘00’ and ‘11’ qubits on our state.

To get the exact state, we need to do Quantum State Tomography, which I will talk about it in the future.

2.4) Runing the circuit on a real Quantum Computer

In order to acces the IBM Q, you will need to register and copy the Token from you profile. Here the token is on a .txt file in order to the token remain private on the code.

You only need to register your account on your computer once using save_account, after this you can get acces your account using load_account.

from qiskit import IBMQ
token = np.loadtxt("Token.txt", unpack=True, dtype=str)
IBMQ.save_account(token, overwrite=True)
provider = IBMQ.load_account();

There are several devices that we can access by registering to IBMQ, let’s see which ones are available to us.

backend_list = provider.backends()
for i in backend_list:
    print(f'{i} \n')










Let’s choose the least busy device that has at least 2 qubits.

from qiskit.providers.ibmq import least_busy

num_qubits = 2

backend = least_busy(provider.backends(filters=lambda x: x.configuration().n_qubits >= num_qubits and not x.configuration().simulator and x.status().operational==True))

<IBMQBackend('ibmqx2') from IBMQ(hub='ibm-q', group='open', project='main')>

Now we submit our job for the IBM Q platform, and monitor it by using the function job_monitor

from import job_monitor

job_exp = qsk.execute(circ, backend=backend)
Job Status: job has successfully run
result_exp = job_exp.result()
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram
counts_exp = result_exp.get_counts(circ)
plot_histogram([counts_exp,counts], legend=['Device', 'Simulator'])


We can see that on our simulator everything is perfect, but when running on a real device there are several errors that occurs when running your circuit. I will explain some ways to correct those errors using linear algebra on other notebooks.

2.4) Retriving older jobs

If you want to retrieve older jobs after closing your code you need your job_id

job_id = job_exp.job_id()

print('JOB ID: {}'.format(job_id))
JOB ID: 5ee007e341d47c001309221f

To acces your old job, you need to be in the same backend

retrieved_job = backend.retrieve_job(job_id)
{'01': 17, '10': 9, '00': 533, '11': 465}

The code for this post is on github

from import *

Version Information

Qiskit SoftwareVersion
IBM Q Provider0.7.0
System information
Python3.7.3 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jul 1 2019, 21:52:21) [GCC 7.3.0]
Memory (Gb)7.664028167724609
Tue Jun 09 19:08:19 2020 -03